2009 | Ostrale 09, Dresden | group show
ostrale 09
18. Juli – 28. September 2009
Ausgestellte Arbeiten:
one the ground (2009), flowers_01 (2001), flowers_03 (2011)
Wallinstallations, plastic beads, melted
- Exhibition viw, osrale 09, Dresden, 2009 | images: Sibylle Feucht
- flowers III, wall installation, ostrale 09, Dresden, 2009 | image: Sibylle Feucht
- Exhibition view, installations, ostrale 09, Dresden, 2009 | image: Sibylle Feucht
- Exhibition view, installations, ostrale 09, Dresden, 2009 | image: Sibylle Feucht
- on the ground, plastic beads melted, 2009 – installation view ostrale_09, Dresden | image: Sibylle Feucht
- Exhibition view, installations, ostrale 09, Dresden, 2009 | image: Sibylle Feucht
- Exhibition view, installations, ostrale 09, Dresden, 2009 | image: Sibylle Feucht