2006 | porn
Videoinstallation, variabel
The material for this installation derives from pornographic websites where they are used as so called teasers. On each monitor one teaser is shown in a constant loop. The similar becomes the same – standardized and machine like in its rhythm. The individual act becomes a myth.
- porn, installation,exhibition view Home sweet Home, Kunstraum Baden, Baden, 2006 | image: Sibylle Feucht
- porn, installation, exhibition view Home sweet Home, Kunstraum Baden, Baden, 2006 | image: Sibylle Feucht
- porn, installation, exhibition view Home sweet Home, Kunstraum Baden, Baden, 2006 | image: Sibylle Feucht
- porn, installation, exhibition view Home sweet Home, Kunstraum Baden, Baden, 2006, detail | image: Sibylle Feucht