2006 | all my dreams

Videoinstallation, variabel

…all my dreams – are also all our dreams. children dreams, life-dreams, hopeless dreams, sweet dreams… dreams and the hope of theire fullfillment – and if it may be just partially – drive us onwards, let us get up in the morning, and save us from getting lost in the darkness of dispair. dreams change, have to be corrected an revised. dreams can break, since they are are fragile constructions which are nevertheless unpossible to destroy. As a far away echo of lived and lost dreams it can be looked at the innumerable images from our own lifes banned on fotopaper and video. Digitized super-8 films as they can be seen on 15 screens hanging from the ceiling and which are in theire unspectacular way representative for all the other images and videos sleeping in some family archives. images of holidays, sunday strolls, sport activities, santa claus festivities or inaugurations celebrations.